ON-Boarding Week

Changing into a new living environment is always challenging. To help you settle in, the OVGU offers an academic ON-Boarding week that will introduce you to the study programs and the university. In addition to that the Student Council of the FEM "FaraWiwi" organizes events to accustom you with life at the OVGU and in the city of Madgeburg. 

Important dates

The ON-Boarding Week for Freshmen of the summer semester 2025 takes place from April 1st, to April 4th, 2025

It starts off on Tuesday (April, 1st)  with a welcome- and opening function. There you will receive all important information about the course of the week. 


ON-Boarding Week Summer Semester 2025

Date Time Event Location Presentation Study program



13:00 - 14:00 Central Opening Event of the Faculty of
Economics and Management (FEM)
building 22,
lecture hall 2 
  all study programs
of the facult
14:00 - 15:00 Welcoming by the
Student Council FaraWiwi
building 22,
lecture hall 2
  all study programs
of the facult
from 15:00 Get-together in small groups different rooms
in building 22
  all study programs
of the faculty



 10:00 - 12:00 Studying at the School of
Economics and Management (FEM)
building 22,
lecture hall 2
  all study programs
of the faculty 
from 16:00 Campus Rallye     all study programs
of the faculty



10:00 - 12:00 Academic Introduction: "How to organize my
Betriebswirtschaftslehre/Business Economics
master study program (M-BWL/BE)?"
 building 22,
room A-013
10:00 - 12:00 Academic Introduction:
"How to organize my IMME
master study program?"
 building 22,
room A-020
from 15:00 City Rallye     all study programs
of the faculty



 10:00 - 12:00 Personal Counseling for NEW
IMME + Exchange students
 building 22,
room B-006
   IMME + Exchange students
from 19:00 Closing: Games Night     all study programs
of the faculty

Last Modification: 03.03.2025 - Contact Person: Studiendekanat der FWW