WiSe 2024/2025 End-of-Semester Evaluation

Take part and make a difference! Your opinions and feedback regarding the faculty’s educational offerings are very important to us! You get to decide who receives the title of the faculty’s best lecturer and also who deserves a teaching award.

We cordially invite you to take part in the shaping of courses and in the quality development at the faculty!
Please participate in the 2024/2025 WT End-of-Semester Evaluation by 23:59 on January 24, 2025! The questionnaire takes only about 5-7 min and all answers are saved anonymously. Of course, students from other faculties can also participate in our End-of-Semester Evaluation. For this purpose, these students can independently generate an access number on the Eval.uni website. You can find instructions on how to do this here.

Please also use the comment sections to provide us with input regarding courses, which went especially well for you, and also where problems have arisen! The Faculty of Economics and Management is exactly where you should be! You can find more information here.

We look forward to your participation.
Your FEM Dean’s Office of Study Affairs

Last Modification: 13.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster