Business Economic and economic seminar

Information about Business Economic and Economic Seminar im 5th or 6th semester

WiSe 2024/2025

General information on the allocation of spots and the schedule for business economic and economic seminars in the winter semester 2024/2025 can be found here.

You can find the current schedule of the registration procedure in the winter semester 2024/2025: short version - long version

Enrollment in the course until Monday, 24.06.2024 at 23:55

SoSe 2024

General information on the allocation of spots and the schedule for business economic and economic seminars in the summer semester 2024 can be found here.

You can find the current schedule of the registration procedure in the summer semester 2024: short version  - long version

Last Modification: 12.06.2024 - Contact Person: Studiendekanat der FWW