Study Program Directors

The Study Program Directors establish and are responsible for the strategic development of their study program and ensure the organisational studiability in the standard period of study. They advise students in all subject-specific questions.

The Study Program Directors for the Bachelor Porgrams of the FEM are:

undefined Prof. Dr. Barbara Schöndube-Pirchegger Kvasnicka Prof. Dr. Michael Kvasnicka
Business Management Economics / Volkswirtschaftslehre -
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
SarahRoessig_600x300_web Dr. Sarah-Alena Rössig Knabe Prof. Dr. Andreas Knabe
International Management International Business and Economics


The Study Program Directors for the Master Porgrams of the FEM are:

Spengler 2013 Prof. Dr. Thomas Spengler Kvasnicka Prof. Dr. Micheal Kvasnicka
Business Economics Economic Policy Analysis
Christopher-Schlaegel Prof. Dr. Christopher Schlägel Reichling Prof. Dr. Peter Reichling
International Managmenent, Marketing,
Financial Economics
Prof. Dr. Elmar Lukas Prof. Dr. Elmar Lukas Eichfelder  Prof. Dr. Sebastian Eichfelder
Operations Research and Business Analytics   International Taxation and Public Finance


Director of the part-time degree programs at FEM is:


Prof. Dr. Joachim Weimann
Bachelor of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration
Master Business Psychology



Last Modification: 26.08.2024 - Contact Person: Studiendekanat der FWW