At a glance

At a glance:

Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Duration: 4 Semester
Begin in the 1st semester:

Winter Term (October)

Applicants, who would like to apply for a higher semester can find further information on addition documents to be submitted here.

Language: English & German
  • Prospective students should have an interest in quantitative analysis methods as well as legal and economic contexts.
  • Basic knowledge of accounting, taxes and finance as well as good to very good knowledge of mathematics and statistics are also important.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English (language level B2) and a solid knowledge of German (language level B1) are required.
Application deadline:

Applicants with a German University Degree:

Applicants with an International University Degree:

Admission requirements:

No restricted admission

1. Relevant bachelor’s, diploma, or comparable degree with at least 140 ECTS (at the time of applying), and an average grade of 2,9 or better, determined from the examination results.

  • A study program is relevant if at least 60 ECTS (EU degrees) or 12 modules (non-EU) in mangement and economic courses, and at least 15 ECTS (EU degrees) or 4 modules (non-EU) in courses in the field of quantitative methods have been acquired.

2. Proof of relevance with the faculty’s verification form

3. Proof of language skills:

    • Proof of English skills at B2-level and
    • Proof of German skills at B1-level
    • The required language skills proof with one of the following options.

Application modalities and documents:

Applicants with a German Degree:

1. Online-application via the OVGU-application platform  until September 15, with the following documents:

  • Registration for enrollment from the online application

  • Copy of the university entrance certificate (high school diploma) or transcript of records of the first degree qualifying for a profession (Bachelor’s, diploma, etc.) containing the final grade or a current grade average. Alternatively, a separate official confirmation of grades signed by the coherent examination office will suffice. 

  • Proof of relevance of a completed preceding study program 
    The compulsory faculty’s verification form for the proof of relevance can be found here

    (Note: Applicants, who have acquired their Bachelor’s degree at the Faculty of Economics and Management at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, do not need to hand in the proof of relevance since the faculty has knowledge of this information.)


Applicants with an International Degree:

International applicants may not apply via the OVGU-application platform, but according to the guidelines of the academic international students’ office and the International Office. 

 You can find specific information about applying via uni-assist here.

Last Modification: 02.10.2024 - Contact Person: Studiendekanat der FWW