Deans List / Deans List of Excellent Alumni
Beginning winter semester 2016/17, the Faculty of Economics and Management at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg will draw up and publish a Dean’s List (DL). This is a list of the names of successful, particularly high-performance students of the bachelor’s and master’s programs of FEM. Additionally, focussing our graduates, a Dean’s List of Excellent Alumni (DLEA) will be compiled from WS 2016/17 on.
Purpose of the DL and DLEA is to give our high regard to the most talented and committed young economists through a lasting and publicly perceptible expression. The prospect of nomination and the awarding of a certificate should motivate them early on to provide outstanding study achievements which qualify for admission to the DL and DLEA. Third parties, prospective employers, and scholarship committees, for example, will recognize the individual as a particularly qualified candidate for a job vacancy or scholarship.
How high is the bar?
In accordance with the currently valid guidelines (as of March 2017), all students and graduates of our bachelor’s and master’s programs are “listable” with at least 90 ECTS (bachelor’s) and 30 ECTS (master’s) as well as an average grade of 1.9 or better. The admission criteria of the DLEA are also satisfied by those who were selected by the faculty council as the best student of a graduating class.
In order to be on thea seprately conducted DL or DLEA of the special thesis directions of our master’s programs, 15 ECTS in the respective specialization as well as a grade of 1.5 or better are necessary.
What needs to be done?
In order to be on the DL or DLEA, the fulfillment of the above criteria is compulsory. It is also necessary to submit a simple application form (one application per list), which can be completed within two minutes. The application form must be accompanied by a grade transcript (not older than four weeks) or a copy of the final grade certificate as well as a data use and protection declaration.
Additionally, the following deadlines for the submission of DL applications must be observed:
- November 1st to December 15th for the previous summer semester
- April 1st to May 15th for the previous winter semester
DLEA applications are accepted at any time by the Dean’s Office of FEM (building 22, room C-008).