
Colloquium Series

Wednesday Faculty Colloquium

Brosig-Koch, Burgard, Chwolka, Eichfelder, Gropp, Heinold, Jeworrek, R. Kirstein, Knabe, Koetter, Kvasnicka, Lukas, S. Müller, Noth, Raith, Reichling, Sadrieh, Schlägel, Schmidt, Schosser, Schöndube-Pirchegger, Spengler, Tonzer, Ulmer, Vogt, Weimann,
Heinrich, Held, A. Kirstein, Kleber, Li, Ludolph, Neubert, Richter

Prof. Dr. Michael Kvasnicka / +49 391-67-58739

Prof. Dr. Matthias Raith / +49 391-67-58436

Pia Scholz
+49 391 67-58740

Time and Room
Time: Wednesdays, 3 pm s.t. - 5 pm
Location: Campus, building 22, room A-225 (Fakultätszentrum)
(exceptions will be noted below)

Date Speaker/Author Title
We. 09/04/25
3:00 pm
[CEPA Talk]

Prof. Giovanni Mellace, University of Southern Denmark
Inviting person:
Prof. Dr. Michael Kvasnicka, Omar Martin Fieles-Ahmad
We. 16/04/25
3:00 pm

Dr. Mohammed Albakri, University of Salford
Inviting person:
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kai Heinrich
We. 23/04/25
3:00 pm

We. 30/04/25
3:00 pm

Dr. Melanie Reuter-Oppermann, Universität Maastricht
Inviting person:
Prof. Dr. René Lehmann
Integrated planning in healthcare
We. 14/05/25
3:00 pm
[CEPA Talk]

Prof. Dr. Markus Ludwig, TU Braunschweig
Inviting person:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Knabe
We. 21/05/25
3:00 pm
[CEPA Talk]

Dr. Louis Fréget, CEPREMAP France
Inviting person:
Prof. Dr. Michael Kvasnicka, Omar Martin Fieles-Ahmad
Discontinuity in GP care during pregnancy

The aging of the general physician workforce in developed countries is expected to lead to increased practice closures. Hence, concerns arise regarding the health effects of such closures, particularly for patients facing them during critical life stages such as pregnancy. However, no study exists to date on the health effects of general physi- cians’ (GP) practice closures during pregnancy. I assess the effects of such closures during pregnancy on birth outcomes in Denmark. I compare the birth outcomes of mothers experiencing practice closures within nine months post-conception to those facing closures nine months pre-conception. I find a small to medium-sized adverse effect of discontinuity in care on birth outcomes. The negative effect on birth weight is especially pronounced when the closure happens in the last trimester of pregnancy. Consistently, mothers affected by GP practice closures during pregnancy experience small disruptions in healthcare provision at the extensive and at the intensive margin.

We. 28/05/25
3:00 pm
[CEPA Talk]

Prof. Dr. Johann Graf Lambsdorff, Universität Passau
Inviting person:
Prof. Dr. Abdolkarim Sadrieh, Mathilde Dräger
We. 11/06/25
3:00 pm
[CEPA Talk]

Prof. Dr. Katharina Wrohlich, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
Inviting person:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Knabe
We. 18/06/25
3:00 pm

Prof. Dr. Johann Nils Foege, Universität Münster
Inviting person:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Raith
Digitalization Intensity and Ecological Performance: The Role of Corporate Governance and Industry Membership

In this study, we use the concept of functional affordances of information systems to develop a novel theoretical framework that links firms’ digitalization intensity to their ecological performance. Specifically, we propose that digitalization intensity reduces firms’ impact on the natural environment and enhances their capability for ecological innovations. To contextualize these relationships, we introduce corporate governance and service industry membership as essential contingencies for this link. Results of our panel regression analyses widely support our theorizing.

We. 02/07/25
3:00 pm
[CEPA Talk]

Prof. Dr. Victor Klockmann, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Inviting person:
Dr. Dmitri Bershadskyy
We. 09/07/25
3:00 pm
[CEPA Talk]

Prof. Dr. Anna Bindler, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
Inviting person:
Dr. Juliane Hennecke

Idee und Umsetzung: Prof. Dr. Abdolkarim Sadrieh und Dipl.-Kfm. Harald Wypior | © 2025

Letzte Änderung: 22.12.2022 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster