VWL - Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

How can unemployment and poverty be combated? How can the economy be restructured in a climate-friendly way? What impact has the euro had on prosperity and economic and political stability in Europe? How can we shape globalization so that it benefits everyone? These are just some of the many extremely important questions for our society for which this program offers you answers.

The study program VWL - Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft promotes independent, analytical and critical thinking. You are put in a position to answer the pressing economic and social questions of our time. You learn to examine economic policy conditions and to scientifically evaluate alternative courses of action. The main focus of the study program is on economics, which is complemented by political and social science as well as business perspectives.

The accredited Bachelor's program VWL- Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft is the right program for high school graduates who are interested in current economic and socio-political issues. It is quantitatively oriented, has a strong economic policy focus and combines a sound study of economics with supplementary options in business administration and social sciences.

Core economics courses are taught in the 1st - 4th semester. In the 5th and 6th semesters, the study program offers an economics seminar and a variety of freely selectable specialization options. From the 2nd semester onwards, you can also specialize further in business management and social sciences by choosing from a wide range of electives.



The program prepares you for employment in all areas related to economics, in particular in:

  • political institutions and political consultancy firms
  • public institutions (e.g. federal and state ministries, municipal administrations),
  • staff departments of larger companies,
  • regionally or nationally active financial institutions,
  • political organizations (e.g. political parties, social associations, employers' associations, trade unions, other non-governmental organizations) as well as in
  • business editorial offices of agencies, newspapers or radio and television stations.

The program also prepares you excellently for admission to Master programs in business and economics.

You can find more information about the Bachelor program VWL- Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft on the the following pages!

Last Modification: 03.02.2025 - Contact Person: Studiendekanat der FWW