Welcome to the Faculty of Economics and Management
    at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg!


    Registration for all Master Seminars, Scientific Projects, mandatory bachelor seminar (Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und Volkswirtschaftlichen) are possible from now on

    Dear students, 

    from now on, registration for all Master Seminars, Scientific Projects, mandatory bachelor seminar (Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und Volkswirtschaftlichen) as well as for the Bachelor Thesis Seminars in the summer semester 2025 is possible via the E-Learning Portal OVGU - course area "Studiendekanat". Registration is possible until Friday, January 31, 2025 at 23:55!

    For further information on the allocation of places and scheduling in the mandatory bachelor seminar (Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und Volkswirtschaftlichen) as well as for the Bachelor Theses in the summer semester 2025, please visit the website of the Dean’s Office of Study Affairs under the section "Information on Bachelor programs".

    Information on the allocation of places in the Master's Seminars and Scientific Projects in the summer semester 2025 can be found on the following website under the section "Information on master programs".

    If you have further questions or problems, feel free to contact us via studiendekan-fww@ovgu.de .

    All the best

    FEM’s Dean's Office of Study Affairs

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    In Memory of the Architect of the Faculty Building

    According to recent media announcements, Peter Kulka, architect of the faculty building “Vilfredo Pareto” the OVGU building 22, passed away at the age of 86 beginning of February.
    People interested in the OVGU architecture’s history from the mid-90s, ... can check out further information here. Peter Kulka (Wikipedia) has truly left a very special building (G22) on OVGU campus.  A, so called, eye-catcher providing a space for academic and human encounters by structure and brightness. Now it is up to us to honor his work.     

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    Supported by OVGU in case of Conflicts, psychological problems, discriminations, etc.

    Compensation for disadvantages in exams, conflicts with the supervisor, exam anxiety, or the scholarship is ending soon and the pressure very high? The Otto von Guericke University recently published a list with contacts and detailed information for students and employees, who are in need of advice and support. Download PDF ...

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    New: The "OVGU Awareness Portal" and The "FWW Forum for Equal Opportunities"

    Did you know? The Otto-von-Guericke University is online with a new "reporting platform for cases of discrimination, disadvantage, (sexual) harassment and violence as well as for a feedback on studying and teaching" - the awareness portal. "One of the main aims of the portal is to provide a supportive environment where you can feel free and safe to share experiences or concerns fast and and easy, and without having to worry about possible consequences. Everyone is aware of the need to maintain confidentiality and the sensitivity of the reported subject matter. Be encouraged to report cases of discrimination. Every single report helps to raise awareness, initiate change and create a more equal at OVGU Magdeburg."

    With a very similar intention and orientation, a monthly the jour fixe started at the faculty level at the beginning of January 2024. The Dean of the faculty, his advisor, a student and doctoral student representative and so the Equal Opportunities Officer of the FEM meet once a month to discuss current issues of equality, diversity, discrimination, etc. The New Forum for Equal Opportunities is now open to everyone. Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the new Equal Opportunities Forum? Contact the above-mentioned persons in confidence and with the assurance of the outmost confidentiality, the Dean's Office (Guido Henkel), the Student Representative Council (Sabrina Riechers), the Research Assistant Representatitive (Malte Bau) , or the FEM's Equal Opportunities Officer (Kathrin Meyer-Pinger).

    Last Modification: 03.02.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster