Supported by OVGU in case of Conflicts, psychological problems, discriminations, etc.
Compensation for disadvantages in exams, conflicts with the supervisor, exam anxiety, or the scholarship is ending soon and the pressure very high? The Otto von Guericke University recently published a list with contacts and detailed information for students and employees, who are in need of advice and support. Download PDF ...
Sebastian Plessner, Master's Student in EPA - The Founder of "Zimmerwald"
Sebastian Plessner, studying Economic Policy Analysis, a master’s program at FEM, is turning rooms and offices into green spaces. His (non-profit) start-up "Zimmerwald", supported by the well-known student association Enactus, and other organizations, reminds us about the myth of “German Woodland”, which was already documented by Tacitus or in the Romantic period. The project is also enhancing the common botanical education of people, and their often just rudimentary knowledge of different tree species and care taking ideas. However, the most important matter of the project is to combine a mental health wellbeing with climate improvement.
, it is quickly explained and is as simple as it is ingenious: "With Zimmerwald," so the recently published article in 'uni:magazin', "small trees will be supplied in complete packages, including an especially matched soil and plant pot. At the same time, they replace often-expensive houseplants, which must be imported. The “easy-care” trees can be kept within our offices and apartments for quite a few years, and afterwards will be planted into own gardens, or in a suitable partner forests."
The ManagerMagazin and Prof. Eichfelder's articel "Rich people and real estate as a tax saving model"
In an interview with Hannah Steinharter from ManagerMagazin, FWW professor Sebastian Eichfelder recently commented quite critically on various peculiarities of the German tax system that tend to fuel the current real estate crisis. Professor Eichfelder has now summarized the MM article, which was hidden behind a paywall, in a Linkedin post: here...
The above-mentioned platform also reports on a practitioner's lecture to which he invited two employees from PwC Hamburg to his lecture on "Business Accounting" on January 22nd: here...
New: The "OVGU Awareness Portal" and The "FWW Forum for Equal Opportunities"
Did you know? The Otto-von-Guericke University is online with a new "reporting platform for cases of discrimination, disadvantage, (sexual) harassment and violence as well as for a feedback on studying and teaching" - the awareness portal. "One of the main aims of the portal is to provide a supportive environment where you can feel free and safe to share experiences or concerns fast and and easy, and without having to worry about possible consequences. Everyone is aware of the need to maintain confidentiality and the sensitivity of the reported subject matter. Be encouraged to report cases of discrimination. Every single report helps to raise awareness, initiate change and create a more equal at OVGU Magdeburg."
Semesterabschluss-Evaluation Sommersemester 2024
Mach mit und mach’s besser! Ihre Meinung und Ihr Feedback zu den von der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft angebotenen Lehrveranstaltungen liegen uns sehr am Herzen! Entscheiden Sie, wer die beste Dozentin oder der beste Dozent der Fakultät ist und einen Lehrpreis verdient hat.
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Nehmen Sie bis zum 06. Juli 2024 um 23:59 Uhr an der Semesterabschluss-Evaluation des laufenden Sommersemesters teil! Der Fragebogen wurde überarbeitet und deutlich gekürzt! Die Befragung dauert jetzt nur noch ca. 5-7 min und alle gegebenen Antworten werden anonymisiert gespeichert.
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