
Welcome to the Faculty of Economics and Management!

Dear Newbies,

 In order to start smoothly at our faculty (school), and thus to facilitate the beginning of the new phase of student's life, we offer the Academic ON-Boarding Week 24/25 WiSe. The detailed schedule including all introduction events can be found on this website.

The mandatory Academic ON-Boarding Week (07/10 - 11/10) is exclusively in English, and starts on Monday, October 07th, after the OVGU’s Enrollment Celebration in the Opera House in the faculty at at 13:00 in building 22 lecture hall H2. The Dean of Study Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Eichfelder will welcome all new faculty students on campus and in-person. 

If students have any further questions or concerns, they may contact the Office of International Affairs and ISP at the Faculty of Economics and Management: or the Dean’s Office of Study Affairs: 

 With kind regards,

FEM Dean's Office of Study Affairs

Apply now: Erasmus BIP "Sustainability and Finance"

A DAAD-funded Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) “Sustainability and Finance” will start at our EU GREEN partner university in Angers (France) this winter semester 2024/25. FEM master students are cordially invited to participate. Please apply to the office of Prof. Eichfelder's chair, i.e. Katharina Dittmann (, by Friday, October 11 at the latest. Be sure to include a transcript of records with your application.
get informed ...

Registration for all Master Seminars, Scientific Projects, mandatory bachelor seminar (Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und Volkswirtschaftlichen) are possible from now on

Dear students, 

from now on, registration for all Master Seminars, Scientific Projects, mandatory bachelor seminar (Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und Volkswirtschaftlichen) as well as for the Bachelor Thesis Seminars in WS 2024/25 is possible via the E-Learning Portal OVGU - course area "Studiendekanat". Registration is possible until Monday, June 24, 2024 at 23:55!

For further information on the allocation of places and scheduling in the mandatory bachelor seminar (Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und Volkswirtschaftlichen) as well as for the Bachelor Theses in WS 2024/25, please visit the website of the Dean’s Office of Study Affairs under the section "Information on Bachelor programs".

Information on the allocation of places in the Master's Seminars and Scientific Projects in the winter semester 2024/25 can be found on the following website under the section "Information on master programs".

Please note that all dates given are subject to the approval of the Faculty Council on June 5th, 2024.

If you have further questions or problems, feel free to contact us via .

All the best

FEM’s Dean's Office of Study Affairs

mandatory bachelor seminar (Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und Volkswirtschaftlichen)

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PD Dr. habil. Janis Sebastian Neufeld, TU Dresden, accepts call at the FWW

Mission accomplished, this chair is filled: Starting from the summer semester, namely on June 1, 2024, PD Dr. Janis S. Neufeld, currently employed at the TU Dresden, will fulfill the position of  the management of the FWW department (W3) "Business Administration, in particular Operations Management". Right straight from the start of the lecture period in April, he will be available at our faculty for teaching. it is planned that he gives his debut with the compulsory bachelor's module "Production, Logistics and Operations Research", among others. The faculty, and staff wish all the best for the start in Magdeburg, and for the ambitious plans in research, teaching, and transfer. All the best for teaching and research and cooperating with faculty, staff anf students!

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In Memory of the Architect of the Faculty Building

According to recent media announcements, Peter Kulka, architect of the faculty building “Vilfredo Pareto” the OVGU building 22, passed away at the age of 86 beginning of February.
People interested in the OVGU architecture’s history from the mid-90s, ... can check out further information here. Peter Kulka (Wikipedia) has truly left a very special building (G22) on OVGU campus.  A, so called, eye-catcher providing a space for academic and human encounters by structure and brightness. Now it is up to us to honor his work.     

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Last Modification: 02.10.2024 - Contact Person: Andreas Kunze