
"Are we in need for a reform of the debt brake?"

FWW Professor Sebastian Eichfelder , Head of the Business Taxation Department, in the MDR-Aktuell radio interview with Uta Georgi from December 9th, 9:36 a.m.: here

Information of the Dean's Office of Study Affairs: Registration is now possible!

Dear students, 

from now on, registration for all Master Seminars, Scientific Projects, Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und Volkswirtschaftlichen Seminars as well as for the Bachelor Thesis Seminars in SS 2024 is possible via the E-Learning Portal OVGU - course area "Studiendekanat". Registration is possible until Friday, February 2, 2024 at 23:55!

For further information on the allocation of places and scheduling in the Seminar of Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und Volkswirtschaftlichen as well as for the Bachelor Theses in SS 2024, please visit the website of the Dean’s Office of Study Affairs under the section "Information on Bachelor programs".

Information on the allocation of places in the Master's Seminars and Scientific Projects in the summer semester 2024 can be found on the following website under the section "Information on master programs".
If you have further questions or problems, feel free to contact us via

All the best

FEM’s Dean's Office of Study Affairs

The 2023 Graduation Ceremony

Let’s celebrate, and honor YOU, dear 2023 graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Management. Everyone, who has graduated in the timeframe of 2022 November - 2023 November is invited to join us at 1:30 p.m. in the Lecture Hall 5 in building 16. Does it applies to you? Then first of all, congratulations on the awarded bachelor's, or master's degree! Don't hesitate and let’s celebrate with your fellow students, friends, family, faculty and staff.
Registration is open now until November 10th, and just via e-mail:
The faculty’s graduation ceremony is free of charge. For further details, please refer to the official invitation of the faculty’s Dean.

Graduates, who wish to join the OVGU graduation party in the evening at the AMO Kulturhaus Magdeburg have to register: here.

An Anniversary Video - 30 Years of FEM (FWW)

A highlight of the celebrations during the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Management in June 2023 was for sure the premiere of the anniversary video. Presented at the Festung Mark with a great opening. Following the philosopher and sociologist Georg Simmel: The sacrifice (terrible missing something) creates a value ... the video is shown just on special occasions. The video trailer is now available. Take a look, and you will ask for more.
Video: idea, author, and director by Prof. Dr. Joachim Weimann, production Dr. Sönke Hoffmann.

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New Marketing Chairholder at FEM - Welcome Prof. Dr. Marcel Lichters!

A warm welcome to the new Marketing Professor, Prof. Dr. Marcel Lichters. He came from the TU Chemnitz to join our faculty at OVGU Magdeburg. Just in time for the start of the WiSe 2023/24, he started his teaching and research once again in Magdeburg. We are sure he will enrich the portfolio of our school with exciting topics and approaches ever way in teaching and research. Settling in at should become comparatively easy, as Marcel Lichters is already well known. He did his doctorate at FEM, and later on, he was appointed as the Junior Professor of Consumer Behavior. Then, in 2021, he accepted a call of a W3 professorship at the TU Chemnitz. We are happy to announce that Prof. Dr. Marcel Lichters returned to FEM after succeeding in very competitive application process with numerous excellent competitors. All the best for the new start at FEM and many ambitioned research projects and teaching! Have a great time in Magdeburg!

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Last Modification: 18.06.2024 - Contact Person: Andreas Kunze