
Studying at FWW = Studying at a "High Level”

The renowned German Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) has published his current university ranking in the field of Business Administration/ BWL. The corresponding surveys and analyses included fact and data checks, departmental and student surveys, etc., and led to a quiet pleasant rating in the range of German higher institutions and universities.
Appropriate a dozen of categories distinguished by the CHE, the study programs offered by the faculty are ranked in the so-called "top range" of all universities: "General study situation", "Support at the beginning of studies", "Support during studies", "Study organization", "Support by lecturers", "Support for study abroad" etc. Results, details are published and can be found at the following website here
The Faculty of Economics and Management is very pleased about the good rating given by the participants of the CHE. Furthermore, about the feedback of students about open possibilities of improvement, and new challenges, projects, which we have to take to make sure the quality of teaching and research is still high during the next CHE survey. We would like to thank all CHE survey participants for they support in this way! Thank you!

"What is it like to start over in away from home - abroad?" - Mohamad Alhussein Saoud’s Interview in the uni:magazine

"Already in Syria, Mohamad Alhussein Saoud," research assistant at the FEM, Chair of Applied Economic Research, "did his bachelor’s and afterward a master’s degree in Economics at the University of Aleppo. Today, he is working on his doctorate - in Magdeburg. After his arrival in Germany in 2015, he started immediately to take passionately care of other refugees. Now, he is teaching students at the University of Magdeburg. However, that does not means that Saoud is new in research and science.  Through various scholarships he also acquired a master's degree in democratic governance, as too several further academic trainings in the field of human rights and democratization in Italy, Lithuania and Turkey. In 2015, his path leads him to Germany when the country officially opens its borders to Syrian refugees. But what exactly was his path to Magdeburg? [...]."

Is continued at …. uni:magazin ...

Semesterabschluss-Evaluation Sommersemester 2024

Mach mit und mach’s besser! Ihre Meinung und Ihr Feedback zu den von der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft angebotenen Lehrveranstaltungen liegen uns sehr am Herzen! Entscheiden Sie, wer die beste Dozentin oder der beste Dozent der Fakultät ist und einen Lehrpreis verdient hat.

Wir laden Sie recht herzlich ein, an der Gestaltung der Lehrveranstaltungen und an der Qualitätsentwicklung der Fakultät mitzuwirken!

Nehmen Sie bis zum 06. Juli 2024 um 23:59 Uhr an der Semesterabschluss-Evaluation des laufenden Sommersemesters teil! Der Fragebogen wurde überarbeitet und deutlich gekürzt! Die Befragung dauert jetzt nur noch ca. 5-7 min und alle gegebenen Antworten werden anonymisiert gespeichert.

Selbstverständlich können auch Studierenden anderer Fakultäten an unserer Semesterabschluss-Evaluation teilnehmen. Dazu können diese Studierenden eigenständig eine Zugangsnummer auf der Eval.uni-Webseite generieren. Eine Anleitung dazu finden Sie hier.

Nutzen Sie auch die Kommentarfelder, um uns Feedback zu besonders gelungenen Lehrveranstaltungen der Fakultät zu geben oder um uns mitzuteilen, wo Probleme auftauchen! Hier sind Sie genau richtig! Weitere Infos finden Sie hier.

Wir freuen uns über Ihre Teilnahme.

Ihr Studiendekanat der FWW

Last Modification: 18.06.2024 - Contact Person: Andreas Kunze